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Maintenance Packages and Related Services


For our clients who are able to clean their own pools, but need help getting the water chemistry balanced properly, or those of you tired of multiple trips to the store for water analysis, we can help!  As needed our staff will come by and perform a water chemistry analysis and add chemistry needed to keep your pool balanced and safe for the pool, equipment and swimmers health.

Weekly or       Bi-Weekly Service

Services offered:


  • Weekly Chem Adjustment stops (This program runs year round).

  • Clean out skimmer baskets, pump basket and cleaner bag (if applicable.)

  • Test water chemistry and make adjustments.

  • Notify you as to what chemicals were needed.

  • Notify you of any visible potential problems with pool system. 

  • ​

This is an inexpensive way to have professional help with your swimming pool.  For this service, we can schedule once a week or once every two weeks .  It is RECOMMENDED, that you choose the weekly service as water balancing conditions change quickly, and some chemistry MUST BE HANDLED EVERY WEEK (such as shocking the pool and adding chlorine tabs).  Salt pools will need pH adjusted at a minimum of once per week.  Two weekly adjustments are recommended for salt to keep pH readings at an acceptable level for chlorine generation.


Call for pricing and availability.  Don't wait to schedule as we have a waiting list annnually for our Maintenance Programs.  Space will be limited.

ELITE Pool Rescue Maintenance Package

Due to the lack of stability in pool chemistry costs, CHEMICALS are NOT INCLUDED in the package pricing.  We have added VARIOUS DISCOUNTS for our maintenance clients in an attempt to mitigate additional chemistry charges out of our hands. Chemistry used will be billed at the end of each month on a card we hold on file.

Weekly Service

Services offered:


  • Weekly maintenance stops (Our Maintenance Program runs from May 15 through September 30.  Customize your plan within these dates).

  • Leaf Blow patio (when necessary)

  • Clean out skimmer(s), pump basket(s), cleaner bag (if applicable)

  • Net pool surface, Vacuum and brush pool.

  • Water chemistry testing and adjustments. 

  • Note and Report pool and equipment problems.

  • Notify you of chemistry useage and services performed.




Cartridge filters will be cleaned once a month at a discounted rate.

Salt cell cleaning will be performed monthly at a discounted rate as well.

Call the store for pricing information.  Don't wait to schedule as we have a waiting list annnually for our Maintenance Programs.  Space will be limited.

ELITE Gold Maintenance Package

Due to the lack of stability in pool chemistry costs, CHEMICALS are NOT INCLUDED in the package pricing.  We have added VARIOUS DISCOUNTS for our maintenance clients in an attempt to mitigate additional chemistry charges out of our hands.  Chemistry used will be billed at the end of each month on a card we hold on file.

Twice per Week

Services offered:


  • Elite Pool Opening

  • Twice per week maintenance stops (Our Maintenance Program runs from May 15 through September 30.  Customize your plan within these dates).

  • Blow off pool patio area, straighten furniture

  • Clean skimmer basket(s), pump basket(s), cleaner bag (if applicable)

  • Net, Vacuum and Brush pool (as necessary).

  • Water chemistry testing and adjustments.​

  • Note and Report pool and equipment problems.

  • Notify you of chemistry useage and services performed.





  • Service discount NOT OFFERED on new heaters and safety covers


Call the store for pricing information.  Don't wait to schedule as we have a waiting list annually for our Maintenance Programs.  Space will be limited.

ELITE Vacation Rescue

Due to the lack of stability in pool chemistry costs, CHEMICALS are NOT INCLUDED in the package pricing.  Any chemicals needed for balancing will be added to the service stop and billed accordingly.

As needed

This service is for homeowners with maintained pools who need a one-stop maintenance service while away from home. This is also a great service to use prior to pool parties or realtor photos to ensure a clean and safe pool!


Services offered:

Check and adjust water chemistry

Clean out skimmers & pump baskets

Empty cleaner bag

Clean pool (Vacuum, Dip, Brush)

Notify you of chemistry useage and services performed.


Call store for pricing and availability.

ELITE Emergency Rescue (Elite E.R.)

Due to lack of stability in pool chemistry costs, CHEMICALS are NOT INCLUDED in the package pricing.  Any chemicals needed for balancing will be added to the service stop and billed accordingly.

As needed

Has your pool gotten out of control? Does your water look like Shrek has taken up residence? No need to fear, Elite E.R. is here for you!


Services offered:

Check and adjust water chemistry

Clean out skimmers & pump baskets

Backwash filter when needed

Empty cleaner bag

Clean pool (Vacuum, Dip, Brush)

Leave door tag report


Depending on the severity of the water conditions, this service could take more than one stop to complete. Call the store for price and availability.

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